Events are Easier with GoForTickets

We are the connecting bridge between users who are looking for events and event organizers who are in search of their audience.

Create Events with an Impact

Create an engaging, easy to use, ticket sales page for your event in minutes. With GoForTickets you can do this in minutes!

Know Exactly What Your Customers Think

We have integrated GoForTickets Ticketing System with Online Survey platforms to help you know what your customers think of your event.

Connect with Customers

Build excitement and buzz among your audiences. We provide the compatibility to share your events on various social platforms, promoting your event becomes simpler and less time consuming.

Boost Ticket Sales

From ticket sales to scanning, our solutions allow you to maximize your sales drastically. Plus, we've made buying tickets so simple, customers can place an order in seconds.


  • Registration and verification.

  • Mobile version is also available.

  • Create event with electronic ticketing.

  • Book for Events & Securely Pay Online!

  • Build Your Own Seating Chart and Define Seating Categories and Pricing.

  • Supports Paperless Green Ticketing! E-Tickets directly to your mobile.